🔎Advanced Search & Filters

Search with custom filters


PRO Pass Holders will gain access to more powerful filters such as:

  • Contains - A search field to check if a handle contains "xyz"

  • Begins With - A search field to check if a handle begins with "xyz"

  • Ends With - A search field to check if a handle ends with "xyz"

  • Digits - Choose between contains digits, does not contain digits or digits only.

  • Letters - Choose between contains letters, does not contain letters or letters only.

  • Palindrome -Is palindrome and is not palindrome.

  • Listing Date Range - Search by date listed, 24hours, 7days, 30days, All Time.

Listings Per Page

PRO Pass holders can choose over more than the usual 50 listings per page. Options include 50, 100 or 500 per page.

Sort By

PRO Pass Holders will be able to also sort listings by:

  • Last Sale Date

  • Character Length

  • Number Of Offers

  • Number Of Sales

Last updated